Does Culinary Spice Merchants offer coupon codes?

The fastest way to save is by subscribing to our emails for recipes and discounts. We’ll confirm your subscription and include a 15% discount code for your first order.

What are your top selling items?

All of them!  BBQ and grilling masters especially like Vaquero BBQ Rub, Texas Secret BBQ Seasoning, and Powdered Worcestershire Sauce—which is also a favorite in the kitchen in spaghetti sauce and buttered pasta, on French fries, deviled eggs, even popcorn!

Aunt Lou’s Special Seasoning is a versatile blend great on chicken, salmon, sea bass, pork chops, potatoes, rice—not to mention eggs, steak, and burgers.
Cowboy Coffee Rub has a big, bold flavor is perfect on brisket, steak, chicken, and ribs. No need for salt and pepper, this blend of herbs and spices stands on its own!
Perfect Pie Spice rounds up our Old West Collection. Try it in muffins, cookies, cake, fruit dishes, oatmeal, on cinnamon toast, fall vegetable dishes, and as a special sprinkle on whipped cream and ice cream.

Do your spices come in larger bottles?

Our customers find that replenishing smaller quantities assures freshness, much more so than having a large container sitting open in the pantry.

Why are your spices in glass bottles?

Our researchers determined that glass is the safest, most inert container available. Petroleum-based plastic deteriorates over time, and those chemicals tend to leach into what’s inside—a affecting the freshness, flavor, and your health.

Can I return or exchange my purchase?

Because of SFA requirements, we cannot accept returns or exchanges on spice products. If we make an error on an order, we will make it right through either a refund or a replacement.

Are your spices MSG Free?

Yes. They’re also All Natural, Non-GMO, and Made in the USA.